Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Initial Ideas

Initial Idea 1:

- (Male lead) Working man most likely an office worker.
- (Female lead) Stay at home mum
- (Supporting infant 1) Innocent child, son of the aforementioned couple.
- (Supporting infant 2) Murdered daughter to the couple.

Narrative; (Orpeus & Achillies)
Male lead is depicted leading the idilic suburban 1930's existence working at car dealership. After completing his day at work he begins his walk home doing cliche´things such as buying flowers from an elderly street florist and whistling as he walks. Upon arriving home he is not met by his wife bearing a Martini and a sandwich and instead finds the house quiet, further he walks into the house calling out his wife's and daughter's names to find his daughter murdered by his wife in their child's room. Th mother stricken with grief at her own actions hangs herself in the same room. After seeing this the male lead breaks down and weeps and howls. Shortly after the son arrives home from school and makes his way upstairs to see his dad on his knees cradling the head of his now dead younger sister and seeing his mother hanging over head he screams for and explanation. The father then beckons his son to come to him, he then wraps his arms around him in an embrace pleading with him to stop crying, his grip tightens and still he pleads for him to stop and tighter the grip becomes. The sons calls of anguish finally stop and the father lets his son fall limply from his grip to fall in the pool of his sisters blood.
The father then stands, looking stunned on soulless he walks out of the house onto the front lawn dripping with blood and falls to his knees as two police officers approach him and another two enter the house at a run. The camera rises up over the house to show a sun set. Roll credits.

Initial Idea 2:

- (Male lead) Young man probably final year university student living alone.

Narrative; (Circe)
Alarm clock rings 07:00, Male lead slams hand down onto the clock to turn it off and focus shifts to him. He gets up and walks into his bathroom in a daze and begins splashing water on his face and cleaning himself up, during wash he discovers a tattoo on his arm of a compass. Confused by this new discovery he walks into his living room to call his friend  but before he can ask what happened the night before resulting in him having this tattoo he realizes the tattoo has shifted position to point a new north. He puts the phone down and sits on his couch to see that wherever he is standing the compass shifts to point to north. He then rumages around to find an actual compass to compare their points. Upon comparison he realises that they dont point in the same direction but behave in the same way.
He ignores the tattoo and tries to go on with his day, getting ready for university etc. Hops onto his push bike and rides around the city as a establishing scene showing the frantic world he lives in, the tall buildings obscuring most of the sky and life outside of the city from view.
We join him later mid lecture where he is staring at the tattoo watching it move as he moves his arm from side to side, to him the world sounds as if its underwater until his name is repeatedly called by the lecturer. This breaks him out of his daze to which he apologises and grabs his stuff running out of the theatre and jumping on his bike riding hard to his home. When he arrives home he valts the stairs of his uni halls and crashes into his room picking up clothes, boots, maps, running into the kitchen he raids the fridge for food and throws it all into a knapsack. Now laden with gear he locks his door and throws his keys at his friend walking by him telling him to "look after his shit." and continues to run past him. Out of the front door of the halls he valts the fence and hops on his bike and rides, checking his arm as he goes. "Ok so you've got me out here, where now?"
We then experience a montage as the Male lead rides around the country following his compass, his appearance becomes rougher as he goes from location to location until the camera holds on a close up of his face. "Ok what now?" he looks at the compass that is still pointing forward. The camera then pans around to show that the Male lead has reached the ocean. He's run out of road.
Sitting on the beach in early evening he begins to drink a beer next to a campfire looking out at the sunset. "you want me to go don't you," he says looking at his arm. Close up on his face looking out to sea then long shot of the sea itself. He stands, and walks to the sea, standing in the shallows he looks at the water lapping against his feet. "whats the worst that could happen?" Close up on him lifting his foot and taking a step forward. Roll credits.

Initial Idea 3:

- (Male lead 1) Dungeon Master
- (Male lead 2) Hero

Narrative: (Achilles)  
Story begins with our hero knocking on the door of the Dungeon master (movement are very melodic and to a beat) the DM opens the door and looks blackly at the Hero, his expression rapidly changes as the camera does a rapid zoom and he tilts his head to one side simply grunting. The hero smiles and grunts back. The DM beckons him inside and the two walk into the DM's dinning room (close up on their feet as they march) Still in the melodic pace the DM marches to a chair, pulls it out and sits, slamming a Box of Dungeons and Dragons onto the table along with a book and a tankard. Silence in the room as a can of monster is opened and poured into the tankard, the DM lifts it and sips gently, wipes his lips and smile. Slams the cup and the table and grunts again as the Hero now seated grunts and drops a bag of dice onto the table. This form of pacing continues as they set up taking only a few seconds. The camera then cuts to a clear sky and the camera pans down to see the Hero clad in armor in an open field. Suddenly Bandits appear from nowhere and attack the hero swinging a sword (cut) close up on dice being rolled (cut) the blow hits the hero full in the chest who groans and (cut) more dice are rolled (cut) he chuckles and shrugs it off, this happens again for an axe blow, crossbow bolt and finally a war hammer. then a final bandit approaches as the melee is becoming frantic with axes simply stopping in mid swing because the dice say the hit doesn't happen and the axe drops to the floor with a look of confusion from the bandit. The bandit approaches sneering and brandishing a fork. He the takes a mighty stab and the dice are rolled. Hit. the hero now rolls his dice. Fail. He bends double groaning and crippled, wailing for freedom, the bandit stabs him again and the hero dies dramatically while the other bandits look at their own weapons the back to the dead hero. They all drop them and raise forks into the air with a cheer. Camera pans skyward. End plate "some times its not in the dice..."

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