Lesson notes.
Bordwell and Thompson (1997):
- They offer tow distinctions between story and plot which relate to the diegetic world of the narrative that the audience are positioned to accept what they see.
-"Lore" (Story) in all the events in the narrative that we see and infer.
( Plot) everything we actually see presented in front of us.
- Structure of the classic narrative system:
According to Pam Cook (1985) the standard Hollywood narrative structure should have:
. Cause and effect with an overall trajectory of enigmatic resolution.
. A high degree of narrative closure.
. A fictional world that contains verisimilitude, especially goverend by spacial and temporal coherence.
Barthes (1977):
- Suggested that narrative works with five different codes and the enigma code setting up puzzles for the audience to solve.
- A code simply being symbolism of something, cocking of the hammer representing an imminent duel in a Western. Visual ques are simply narrative ques.
AdrianTilley (1991):
- Further supports the theory of visual ques to inform the audience of narrative situations without resorting to exposition.
Claude Levi-Strauss (1958):
- Ideas about narrative amount to the fact that to be believed all narratives operate within direct binary opposites.
- The importance of these ideas is that essentially a complicated world is reduced to an either/or structure. There is good or bad there is no in-between, this sounds like something Yoda would say but I disagree. Think about characters like Han Solo, they are seen as good but the things they have done are certainly bad.
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