Friday, 5 September 2014

Lesson notes

Lesson notes.

Unlike most of my fellow students I am not producing a music video so very few of my early lesson notes are valid as they strictly deal with the earliest forms of music video where as I will be looking at the earliest forms of cinema. 
Because of this my notes will be focused on theories as opposed to history lessons.

Representation theory:

Theory: Laura Mulvey's "Representation of Women"

First three things that come to mind when describing women?:
- Overtly emotional
- Stressed
- A better part of life when they're not trying to kill you. (Don't judge me)

Modern Women:
- Independent
- Equality
- Strong

Past representation:
- Feeble
- Male orientated
- A shadow

In films:
- Active
- Overtly sexualised
- Extreme representations of female character

Mulvey's theory is known as the "male gaze" theory. Based upon how women are viewed as a sexual object and observed over being respected. (I agree with this theory on many of its points but I do feel that on some points it picks apart film choices as being "male orientated" rather than being seen as artistic licence.) 

"How the audience views women who are presented in the media, she states that women are there to be seen and that the use of camera (tilt from the feet to face mimicking a males point of view) portray them as sexual objects."

This theory exercises three main points:
- How men view women
- Thusly how women view themselves (through a mans eyes)
- How women view other women (with relation to how men would see them)

For example:
- Using camera work to emphasize curves, referring to what men see as desirable on women.
- How a man approves of a woman and therefore the woman approves of herself because she is desired by a man.  

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